Workers’ Comp & Personal Injury Law From Every Angle: The S & S Blog
SCOTUS Creates Potential Issues For Medicaid Beneficiaries’ Personal Injury Settlements
A recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court during a historic summer session stands to frustrate and impact Medicaid beneficiaries who are involved in personal injury claims. In Gallardo v. Marstiller, the Court voted 7-2 that the Medicaid Act permits a state (which is responsible for administering Medicaid benefits) to seek reimbursement for any portion… Read More
Injured On Town Or City Property? How Municipal Liability Requiring Prior Written Notice Can Affect Your Claim.
Imagine that you’re walking along your neighbor’s front walkway and trip over some type of significant defect. Whether it’s a “lip” or a large crack that causes you to trip and fall, you’d likely be able to pursue a claim for injuries you suffered as a result. While the law regularly allows for claims for… Read More
Do I have a slip and fall lawsuit?
I just fell on ice and was injured…do I have a slip and fall case? Whether it was the result of freezing rain producing a set of slick steps, or a snow-covered ice patch left in the wake of a storm, almost everyone living throughout Western New York can recall a time where they suffered… Read More
Can you sue for a sports-related injury?
Everyone has a sports injury story—some worse than others. Whether you are a life-long athlete, a casual participant, or even a spectator, sports always involve some kind of risk. In New York, you can’t bring a lawsuit for a sports-related injury if, by participating, you assumed the risk of getting hurt. “Assumption of Risk” means… Read More