Category: Construction Accidents

Where Can I Bring a Lawsuit?

When bringing a lawsuit one of the first and most important questions to ask is “In what county should I file this lawsuit?” The county where you file is called “venue.” Venue is important because it impacts the judges and juries that get assigned to your case. Depending on the kind of case you are… Read More

Construction Accidents and the Scaffold Law

Construction sites are dangerous places.  This is particularly true for construction workers who work on roofs, bridges, ladders, scaffolds or other elevated areas where there is a high risk of falling.  Because injuries resulting from falls on construction sites can be so devastating, New York State carved out special provisions in the Labor Law that… Read More

Looking for Work While Collecting Workers’ Compensation for a Partial Disability

When a partially disabled worker receives workers’ compensation benefits, that worker has a duty to stay “attached to the labor market.” That means that if your doctor says you can do some type of work, even if you can’t do your old job, you have a duty to continue looking for work in order to… Read More