Category: General Negligence

Where Can I Bring a Lawsuit?

When bringing a lawsuit one of the first and most important questions to ask is “In what county should I file this lawsuit?” The county where you file is called “venue.” Venue is important because it impacts the judges and juries that get assigned to your case. Depending on the kind of case you are… Read More

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

When a loved one becomes too sick or frail to be cared for at home, placing them in a nursing home is often the best option.  We want our family and friends to get the best care possible, and sometimes that means engaging professionals to do what we cannot.  We trust that these professionals will… Read More

Bit by a dog? Can I sue the owner?

Animal bites can be serious, painful injuries that can leave lasting scars.  We all love our pets, but sometimes pets can do mean, vicious things.  The most common kind of animal bite comes from a dog.  The law in New York is relatively clear with regards to dog bite cases: You can only bring a… Read More

What is “Assumption of Risk?”

We live in a world full of risks.  Despite these risks, we continue to live our lives: we drive cars even though they sometimes crash; we go skiing even though we may fall; we shave even though we may be cut.  Every day we encounter risks, weigh our options and choose whether the risk is… Read More