Legalese Defined: Defendant and Plaintiff

Plaintiff The Plaintiff is the person bringing a lawsuit. For instance, say you are rear-ended at a light and break your leg. You then bring a lawsuit against the other driver. In that case, you would be the plaintiff. The plaintiff files the first complaint with the court. Personal injury attorneys or accident lawyers can… Read More

Legalese Defined: Personal Injury- Complaint

The complaint is the legal pleading that starts a lawsuit. The complaint briefly states who the plaintiff and defendant are; what happened; and what legal claims are being made. The rest of the lawsuit will be based on the claims made in this document.

What happens if I get fired while on workers’ compensation benefits?

In New York it is illegal for your employer to fire you in retaliation for filing a workers’ compensation claim. That means that your employer can’t fire you simply because you filed a claim. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t be fired while you have an open workers’ compensation file. Sometimes, employers are forced… Read More