Legalese Defined: Workers Compensation – No Compensable Lost Time (NCLT)

In workers’ compensation cases, No Compensable Lost Time (or NCLT) means that you have not lost any time beyond the statutory waiting period (the first seven days of any disability) as a result of your work related injury. This can occur either when you are: a) back to work b) out of work due to… Read More

Legalese Defined: Workers Compensation – Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)

In workers’ compensation cases, a permanent partial disability is a disability which is a) permanent in nature and b) not totally, 100% disabling such that you could get some kind of job, even if it isn’t the work you were doing before you were injured. For instance, if you injure your neck or back on… Read More

Legalese Defined: Workers Compensation – Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

In workers’ compensation cases, maximum medical improvement (or MMI) is the point at which, in your physician’s opinion, your injuries have improved as much as they are likely to and no further change in your condition is expected. When your physician finds that you have reached maximum medical improvement he or she will usually also… Read More